5th Saturday Bag
Every so often, a month has 5 Saturdays. This is important, because these special Saturdays come with a very special sale.
When: Every 5th Saturday. In 2025 that's March 29, May 31, August 30 and November 29.
How to participate: Purchase our special 5th Saturday bag for $15. On that Saturday, whatever you can fit in the bag, you get 20% off!
The fine print: You must bring in your 5th Saturday bag to receive your discount. The discount only applies to in-stock merchandise. Items cannot be held to pick up on 5th Saturdays. No additional discounts may be applied.
*As with all of our big events, we are unable to wind yarn on 5th Saturday, but are happy to wind it for you at a later time. We are unable to take phone orders on 5th Saturday. Sorry, we just can’t provide the level of service you deserve if we’re stuck behind the counter.